
How to make
Instagram videos

Easily create Instagram videos in minutes. Edit your own video clip or use professional stock library. Tailor videos for Instagram with the square format.

How to make Instagram videos in 4 easy steps

Step 1. Choose a video clip

Upload your video or choose from the library of 300 million professional clips and images. If you don't have a video clip ready, no worries: you have access to the rich library of stock video clips about anything with Wave.video.

Step 2. Go square

If you are making a regular video post on Instagram, square format is THE one to go with. If your original video clip is landscape, just switch to the "Square" tab in Wave.video. Easy-peasy.

Step 3. Style up your video

Text overlay is a powerful marketing instrument you don't want to miss on. 80% of viewers watch videos with the sound off on Instagram. When editing videos for this social platform, make sure your message gets across to the audience by adding stylish text over your clips. Wave.video will help you make text on video look catchy.

Step 4. Download and share

Click "Publish" to download the video to your computer. Then, just upload the video to your Instagram account — and voila! If you need the same video in a different ratio(like Instagram Stories), change the format and download again.

Instagram video examples made in Wave.video

Square format + text overlay = maximum outreach

  • Croissant
  • House
  • Concert

What the experts are saying

Andrew and Pete
Wave.video is an amazing platform for creating social media videos. A feature we love is the ability to change the dimensions of the video to square and portrait in a matter of seconds too — gamechanger!
Andrew and Pete
